Identity web suite documentation

What is the identity web suite?

You will find an exhaustive general description on the product page web suite identity.

List of supported identity documents


The following countries are supported:

  • All countries

Identity cards

The following countries are supported:

  • France
  • Romania

Residence permits / residence permits

The following countries are supported:

  • France

Passport card / Border crossing card

The following countries are supported:

  • USA

Biometric ID cards

The following countries are supported:

  • France (FRA)
  • Germany (DEU)
  • Spain (ESP)
  • Luxembourg (LUX)
  • Holland (NLD)
  • Austria (AUT)
  • Poland (POL)
  • Belgium (BEL)
  • Portugal (PRT)
  • Lithuania (LTU)
  • Bulgaria (BGR)
  • Romania (ROU)
  • Estonia (EST)
  • Latvia (LVA)
  • Cyprus (CYP)
  • Malta (MLT)
  • Czechia (CZE)
  • Slovakia (SVK)
  • Finland (FIN)
  • Sweden (SWE)
  • Greece (RCMP)
  • Switzerland (CHE)
  • Croatia (HRV)
  • Hungary (HUN)
  • Norway (NOR)

Biometric driver's licenses

The following countries are supported:

  • France (FRA)
  • Algeria (DZA)
  • Estonia (EST)
  • Croatia (HRV)

How do I send the documents?

Accepted formats

Accepted formats are:

– PDF-

images (png / jpg / webp etc)

Number of files per call

The API only accepts one file per call with the “file” parameter: it is therefore not possible to add the front to one file and back to a second file.

How to avoid document recognition problems?

We have produced specific documentation detailing the various points of vigilance to avoid document recognition problems.

Web interface

The web interface is the central element of the suite, allowing you to:

– View your subscription details

– Know how many checks you have left on each subscription

– Access your analytics history

– Download JSON and XML reports for each analysis

– Delete data

Languages available

The web interface is available in the following languages:

– French

– English

Subscriptions tab

You can find a list of your subscriptions on the home page of the web interface, with the following information:


– Frequency (monthly or yearly, not available for SINGLE_PAYMENT)

– Active subscription: is your subscription active or not

– Renewal / end date of subscription

– Remaining Checks: The number of checks remaining on your subscription, over the period

Identity Web Suite Subscriptions tab

Identity tab

The Identity tab (accessible if an Identity subscription is active) gives you access to various information and tools.


The scan history allows you to know the complete history of the scans performed, with the following information:

  • Date of analysis
  • Type of document checked
  • Download the report in PDF / JSON / XML formats
  • Deletion of the corresponding data
Localized Identity API Web Interface

Tool “Verify a document”

The “Verify a document” tool allows you to send the documents to be checked directly from the web interface.

The results will then be available in the history, which can be downloaded as a PDF, JSON or XML report.


Verify a Document API Identity tool

Tool ” characters MRZ”

The “MRZ characters” tool allows you to check the validity of an identity document by entering the characters from the MRZ tape (or copy/paste).

The results are then available for download in the history, in PDF / JSON / XML formats.

The advantage is that it is not necessary to send the “real” document, and can therefore be an advantage in certain situations.

Web Interface API Identity MRZ Characters

Tool “social security number”

The “Social Security Number” tool allows you to extract the information contained in the Social Security numbers and check the validity of the security key.

The data is not saved and is therefore not available for download as a report.

API Identity Tool Verification Social Security Number

Possible errors

Document not recognized

This error tells you that the document could not be recognized.

Check the following:

  • The format corresponds to the format indicated in the documentation
  • The document corresponds to one of the documents that are compatible with the service
  • The document is legible
Document not recognized Identity Web Suite

More credits available

This error tells you that you have no more credits available.

It is then necessary to take out a new subscription, or to buy new verifications via single payments.

More Credits Identity Web Suite

Checks performed on each type of document

Below you will find the list and description of the different fields and checks carried out on each type of identity document compatible with our products.


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
documentNumber Thong Document number (depending on the country)
nationality Thong Nationality of the holder
personalNumber Thong Personal number of the holder
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid?
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
(“P” for a passport)
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
expirationDateValid Boolean Is the extracted expiration date format valid?
expirationDateControlKey Boolean Is the end-of-validity date check key valid?
personalNumberControlKey Boolean Is the personal number key valid?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
line2ControlKey Boolean Is the control key for row 2 valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
French identity card


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
department Thong Department Number
documentCreationDate Thong Document Creation Date
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid?
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
countryValid Boolean Is the country code valid (“FRA”)?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
departmentValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted department number valid?
Boolean Does the department number comply with the formalism related to the date of creation of the document?
documentCreationDateValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document creation date valid?
departmentConsistency Boolean Does the department number of line 1 correspond to that of line 2?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
line2ControlKey Boolean Is the control key for row 2 valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?


Romanian ID card


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
documentNumber Thong Document number (depending on the country)
nationality Thong Nationality of the holder
personalNumber Thong Personal number of the holder
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid?
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
(“P” for a passport)
countryValid Boolean Is the extracted country code valid?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
nationalityValid Boolean Is the nationality code valid?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
expirationDateValid Boolean Is the extracted expiration date format valid?
expirationDateControlKey Boolean Is the end-of-validity date check key valid?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
line2ControlKey Boolean Is the control key for row 2 valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?


Biometric ID cards


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
documentNumber Thong Document Number
personalNumber Thong Personal number (present on some cards only)
nationality Thong Nationality of the holder
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
countryValid Boolean Is the extracted country format valid (“FRA”)?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid (9 characters)?
nationalityValid Boolean Is the nationality format valid (“FRA”)?
expirationDateControlKey Boolean Is the end-of-validity date check key valid?
documentNumberControlKey Boolean Is the document number check key valid?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
French biometric driver's license


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
documentNumber Thong Document Number
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
countryValid Boolean Is the extracted country format valid (“FRA”)?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid (9 characters)?
documentNumberControlKey Boolean Is the document number check key valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
Estonian Biometric Driver's License


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country code
documentNumber Thong Document Number
personalNumber Thong Personal number of the holder
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
countryValid Boolean Is the country code correct?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid?
personalNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
Croatian Biometric Driver's License


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
documentNumber Thong Document Number
personalNumber Thong Personal number of the holder
expirationDate Thong End date
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid?
personalNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid?
expirationDateValid Boolean Is the format of the expiry date correct?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
French residence permit


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
documentNumber Thong Document Number
personalNumber Thong Personal number of the holder
nationality Thong Nationality of the holder
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
countryValid Boolean Is the extracted country format valid?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid (9 characters)?
personalNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted personal number valid (10 characters)?
nationalityValid Boolean Is the nationality format valid (“FRA”)?
expirationDateValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted expiry date valid?
expirationDateControlKey Boolean Is the end-of-validity date check key valid?
documentNumberControlKey Boolean Is the document number check key valid?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
US passport card


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
documentNumber Thong Document Number
nationality Thong Nationality of the holder (“USA”)
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
stateDepDocControlNumber Thong State department document control number
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid?
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
countryValid Boolean Is the extracted country format valid (“USA”)?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid?
nationalityValid Boolean Is the nationality format valid?
expirationDateValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted expiry date valid?
expirationDateControlKey Boolean Is the end-of-validity date check key valid?
documentNumberControlKey Boolean Is the document number check key valid?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
US border crossing card


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
documentNumber Thong Document Number
visaNumber Thong Visa number
nationality Thong Nationality of the holder
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid?
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
(9 characters)
countryValid Boolean Is the extracted country format valid?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid?
nationalityValid Boolean Is the nationality format valid?
expirationDateValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted expiry date valid?
expirationDateControlKey Boolean Is the end-of-validity date check key valid?
documentNumberControlKey Boolean Is the document number check key valid?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?
Algerian Biometric driving license


Parameter Type Description
numberOfCharacters Thong Number of characters extracted from the MRZ strip
documentType Thong Document Type
Country Thong Country
lastName Thong Name of the holder
firstNames Array Holder’s first names
dateOfBirth Thong Holder’s date of birth
gender Thong Gender of the licensee
documentNumber Thong Document Number
nationality Thong Nationality of the holder (“FRA”)
expirationDate Thong End date of validity of the document
numberOfCharactersValid Boolean Is the number of characters detected valid
documentTypeValid Boolean Is the type of document detected valid?
lastNameValid Boolean Does the name include unauthorized characters or numbers?
dateOfBirthValid Boolean Is the extracted date of birth format valid?
genderValid Boolean Is the character referring to gender valid?
countryValid Boolean Is the extracted country format valid (“FRA”)?
documentNumberValid Boolean Is the format of the extracted document number valid (9 characters)?
nationalityValid Boolean Is the nationality format valid (“FRA”)?
expirationDateControlKey Boolean Is the end-of-validity date check key valid?
documentNumberControlKey Boolean Is the document number check key valid?
dateOfBirthControlKey Boolean Is the date of birth key valid?
globalControlKey Boolean Is the global control key valid?